Each week we feature some shout outs from the field. Anecdotes, stories, and journeys of our tireless Brand Ambassador and Sales Experts team...

Eric Lai coaches and mentors a number of great sales experts and brand ambassadors. This week, as we look at a growth mindset and focus on incremental improvements, these two stories and two individuals come to the forefront. Great work team!
Ujitha Rathnayaka
Ujitha has been able to work a full time job and still maximize his work within the program guidelines. Nothing says top performer like consistently hitting his KPI goals time after time. Ujitha excelled at managing his time and resources throughout the week, which then helped him grow as a successful sales expert.
Siu Fan Wong
When Siu Fan Wong started on the program, like some learning the business and products she struggled with reporting and hitting weekly KPIs. Where things turned around was after weeks of developing her knowledge and skills with her City Activator and Team Lead, she has grown to be one of the top sales experts in the group. With a higher level of product knowledge and close attention to detail when reporting, Siu Fan Wong has grown and thrived as a sales and marketing expert. Kudos!
When thinking about your own KPIs, give yourself the freedom to look at incremental change. It's hard to go from a standstill to a jet engine-- so focus on the things you can change, improve small, and grow with time. Experience breeds success.