Introducing Khaled, a crucial member of our Ontario team!
Keep on reading for some fun facts about Khaled.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Teleportation. No driving and no flying needed for travelling the world...where do I sign up?
What's the last show you binge-watched, and would you recommend it? Friends. One of the shows I watch once a year, as till this day I find it to be one of the funniest shows I've seen. From Chandler's wit, to Phoebe's unusual behaviour, I always consider the show a safe option when in need of a new show to start.
What's the most unusual talent or skill you possess that few people know about? I am unusually good at video games. From sport games to adventures to strategy based games, I have always had an ability to figure out how to play within hours. The countless hours spent gaming in my youth have finally paid off...
What's the most interesting or unusual job you've ever had before this one? For a summer one year, I worked on an Ice Cream Truck driving around Toronto and the GTA with a friend. Between the conversations, smiles, and loads of ice cream I ate, I can easily say that was my favourite summer job to date.