A story relayed from the field...
So, there's this BA named Vasu who decided to ditch his regular smoking habit and switch to a new smokeless device. He found it way more satisfying for his day-to-day life. Let me tell you about this one incident when he was at his usual barber shop.
Vasu arrived at the barber shop only to find a long line of customers waiting for their turn. Frustrated with the wait, he thought, "Why not head to the smoking area next to the shop and enjoy my new device?"
As Vasu strolled to the smoking area, he noticed a few folks in the line puffing away on their regular cigarettes. He couldn't help but feel a bit smug about his smokeless device. Intrigued by the lack of smoke and odor, the others couldn't resist asking Vasu, "Hey, what's that thing you're using?"
Vasu saw this as a golden opportunity to school these guys about the device he was using that moment. He explained how it could change their lives for the better, all without mentioning the brand name. The people liked it, and they made a pact with Vasu to order the device once their paychecks arrived in a day or two. They even exchanged phone numbers for future contact. Look at Vasu, almost closing a sale!
But here's the thing: after two days, Vasu couldn't get a single response from these guys. Talk about ghosting! Well, Vasu wasn't one to give up easily. He bombarded them with text messages, trying to reignite the conversation. Turns out, their only objection was that they were still waiting for their hard-earned money. The moment their paychecks hit their accounts, they wasted no time in reaching out to Vasu and sealing the deal.
Not just that, after a week, Vasu decided to check in on how their smokeless journey was going. They admitted that it was a bit tough in the beginning, but after five days, they were completely converted. Vasu couldn't help but feel proud knowing that he had saved them from burning their cash and had actually made a positive impact on their lives.
So, there you have it! Vasu's adventure of converting the friends and strangers to the smokeless side. It's incredible how a simple encounter at a barber shop led to a life-changing decision. Keep an eye out for more stories like this, folks!
If you've got a story to share about your experience or something you think other Ambassadors would love to know, share it with your Team Lead.